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BREB Result of AD 2023 PDF Download |

Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Assistant Director (Admin) Exam Result

Here is the BREB Result of AD 2023 PDF Download. Today 20 January 2023 the exam for Assistant Director(Admin) of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board was held at 03:00 pm. The BREB preli result of AD will be published at their official website first. Let’s check the result and the process of getting PDF file downloaded.

BREB Result 2023 PDF Download

Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board use to hold it’s exam itself as there is the fear of leaking question. We appreciate the measures of the organization as they at least try to defend the terrible dream of thousands jobless of Bangladesh. BREB Result will be published today at 11 pm most probably.

BREB preli result at a glance
  • Exam Held: On 20 January 2023 at 03:00 PM
  • Result Wil Be Published: 11:00 PM Same Day
  • Cut Mark: 76-77 out of 80
  • Written Exam Date: 21 January 2023

BREB Preliminary Exam Info:

  1. Total Question: 80
  2. Time: 60 min
  3. Negative Mark: N/A
  4. Exam Type: MCQ
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Download BREB Preli Result AD Exam

There was 80 Questions and the allotted time for answering these questions was 60 minutes. The participants are depicting their experiences after finishing the exam the the set of the question was a walk in the park. The Cut mark may rise up to 76-77 out of 80. So the condition is tight for each student.

Preliminary Exam Question and Solution of BREBR

There a bunch of questions from various subject like Bangla Literature, Bangla Grammar, English Literature, English Grammar, Math, Mental ability, General Knowledge based on recent affairs and conventional. Here is the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Assistant Director (Admin) Preliminary exam question paper and solution along with BREB AD Result. The courtesy will be going to “Agradut” publication who made this solution to serve the students.

breb result
breb result 1

Specialist’s Opinion on this BREB Exam Result and Question

The Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (REB) notification is silent regarding the format, makeup, and content of the recruitment exam. However, it has been discovered after examining the questions from the last two recruitment exams for the position of Assistant Director (Administration) that the type of question is the same when it is written in the format of the Public Service Commission (PSC) BCS question paper, but the type is different when it is written in the format of other organizations (for example, IBA).

Question Pattern of the previous exams

IBA format questions were administered during the same Test, according to the Assistant Director (Administration) (MCQ 75 & Written 25). To answer the multiple-choice portions of the preliminary questions, a separate OMR sheet is offered. The level of the MCQ section was on line with private bank recruitment exams. There were 15 marks for Bengali, 20 for English, 20 for math, and 20 for general knowledge out of a possible 75 for the MCQ (including Science, Computer). Bengali and English emphasis writings totaled 15 and 10 points, respectively, in the 25-point written test. preparatory literature, the present state of Bangladesh’s power sector, the current administration’s development initiatives, and recent significant events should be known for the writing part preparation.

Best way to get prepared to achieve the best BREB Result

The preliminary and written tests for the 2018 BCS format questions were held on separate days (MCQ 100 and written 100). Out of 80 MCQ questions breb preli result worth 100 marks, there were 40 questions in general knowledge (including science and computer), 15 in Bengali, 15 in English, 10 in mathematics, and 15 in Bengali (value 1.20 each). Expression (5 points), brief questions (10 points), and ticks (10) have to be written in the 100-point written exam. You can consult the BCS Preliminary Preparation Book and the BCS Written Exam Preparation Book for the MCQ and Written portions, respectively. The textual portion, however, requires careful reading to understand the present state of Bangladesh’s power industry, the current administration’s initiatives for growth, and recent significant events.
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Rural Electrification Board at a Glance

The Bangladeshi President issued the Rural Electrification Board Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance No. 51 of 1977), which was implemented in 1978 with the establishment of the Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board. In 2013, the Rural Electrification Board Act, 2013, which replaced the Ordinance, was published.

BREB is the largest electricity supply company in Bangladesh, mainly developing power lines and substations in rural areas. The village plays a breb preli result useful role in the development of the rural community and makes Bengal a city-like city. Until 2011, 80 rural power companies had been established under the initiative of BREB. These rural electricity associations are continuing their program of 100% electrification across Bangladesh through government-supplied home electricity supply. The 33/11 KV substations in remote and isolated areas are supplied with electricity from the national grid via the 33 KV line and directly supply electricity to consumers via the 11 KV line.

Assistant Director (Administration), Rural Electrification Board

The Rural Electrification Board of Bangladesh (REB) is a statutory body under the Electricity Department of the Ministry of Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Bangladesh, established in 1977. There are 80 network companies. electricity grid (PBS) nationwide under the Rural Electrification Board of Bangladesh (REB). aegis by REB. REB is the governing body of Palli Vidyut Samiti (PBS). Through Palli Vidyut Samiti, REB provides electricity to about 300,000 rural consumers across the country (in 61 districts).

The promotion in REB

East Administrative Wing – Deputy Coordinator/Table Maker (Grade X) > Deputy Director (Grade IX) > Deputy Director (Grade VI) > Director (Grade IV) > Chief Executive Officer (Grade II) ) > Member (Class II).

The President (Level I) is the chief executive officer of the organization. CER officers and employees are paid according to the 2015 national salary scale. breb preli result In addition, supervision, audit, etc. may be required to perform official work at 80 national associations during the employment period. For this TA/DA is available under Govt. After joining Deputy Director (Administration/Finance) after basic training, those appointed as Deputy Director (Administration) and Deputy Director (Finance) are assigned to Head Office by CER (Khilkhet, Dhaka). In addition, you can also see the three warehouses of REB in Khulna, Dhaka, Chittagong. On the other hand, Assistant Engineers are often assigned to CER’s district offices as well as headquarters. REB has vehicles for the Director/Supervising Engineer and Senior Officers working at the Head Office and Operations Engineers working at the District level. Like other government institutions, there are pension funds, transportation, housing construction loans, neighborhood facilities (Savar).

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