GRE Online Application and ETS Account Registration | ets.org
ETS Account Creation and Registration for GRE Test.
If you confident enough that your preparation for proving you as a coefficient person , You may go for GRE Online Application through ETS account Registration. Here we will mention all facts you should know about GRE Test Registration and ETS Account Creation along with payment policies, GRE Exam dates and Center etc. Let’s go on,
GRE Online Application and ETS Account Registration
Before application for GRE test or Creating ETS account, the pre-requisite is you need to make clear your concept about “What is GRE and for whom?“. If you have clear concept and you sure about your destination you may continue.
GRE Registration process
First you need to confirm about your decision about what types of GRE test you want to participate. There is some kinds of GRE test like,
- GRE General Test
- GRE Subject Test
- Biology Test
- Chemistry Test
- English Literature Test
- Mathematics Test
- Physics Test
- Psychology Test
Steps for completing registration of GRE exam
Follow each of the steps described bellow. I think this will help you more to find out the question how to register for GRE test better than searching here and there sporadically.
Steps at glance
- Create an “ets” account, or if you’ve already one then “Sign in”.
- Complete “GRE Registration”
Step by Step procedure for ETS Account registration
Step-1: Go to this link and you will get the screen shown in bellow. Then either create a new ets account or sign in with your existing ets account.
Here is the form for etc account registering.If the form didn’t load try click on this link
Step by Step procedure for GRE Test Registration
After completing ets account creation now it is time to register for GRE Test. It doesn’t matter either it is GRE General test or GRE Subject Test. Procedure is same.
Step-1: Click on the bluis button marked by red rectangle to start the registration process. You may go directly with click on this link
Ste-2: This is first page of GRE online application form. Here you need to give 3 basic information and they are Test type like GRE General Test or GRE Subject Test. Select one. Then input your location to find the nearest GRE Exam Center. And finally Select the month when you want to attend the test.
Step-3:After giving the information described above. Here you will be able to select your prefered date and you will get thereafter information about your test.
Rescheduling Your GRE Test Registration
- Your exam may be rescheduled online. For more details about each venue, see the sections below.
- Your test fee will be forfeited if you do not reschedule your GRE General Test four days (10 days in Mainland China) before your appointment. For example, in the United States, the deadline to reschedule a Saturday appointment at a testing location is Tuesday.
- If you need to reschedule the exam, you will be charged a fee.
- Appointments can’t be rescheduled more than one year after they were made. your entire test fee will be forfeited.
- If you do not reschedule your test registration as stated above.
When rescheduling, - Be sure to include your appointment confirmation number as well as the full name you used to make the appointment.
- The GRE General Test and GRE® Subject Tests do not have interchangeable fees or registrations.
Payment Policy
- A check drawn on a bank in the United States must be in US dollars. By submitting your check, you authorize ETS to use the details on your check to make a one-time electronic debit from your account for the sum of your check, at its discretion; no additional amount will be applied. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, a $20 service charge will be deducted from your account.
- Your ratings will be withheld and an additional service fee of US$20 will be added to your account if you do not have sufficient credit or funds in your account to cover a registration or service we have processed on your behalf.
- If you do not include the correct fee, your request for registration or service will be returned.
- There are no refunds for additional services.
- Refunds will be made in U.S. dollars.
- Services may be withheld for nonpayment of fees.
- All test fee payments must be collected in full, with the correct numeric and written dollar amount, at the regional registration center (RRC) or ETS within 90 days of the payment date (e.g., check, money order).
- To register for any future ETS test or service, all remaining balances from previous ETS tests and/or services must be paid in full.
- ETS reserves the right, at its own discretion and without warning, to add or delete online payment methods.
Refund Policy
You will automatically obtain a refund equal to half of the test fee if you cancel your registration no later than four days before your test date. For example, in the United States, the deadline to cancel a Saturday appointment at a testing location is Tuesday. The balance of your payment will be held to cover costs associated with handling your registration and reserving a spot at the test center.
- Refunds will be in U.S. dollars.
- Cash refunds are not available.
- Refunds will not be given if you do not follow proper registration procedures and/or fail to present the
- required identification documents at the test center.
- If you are taking the test in Korea, see the specific refund policy for test takers in Korea.