HSC 8th week Assignment Question 2022 PDF
8th week HSC assignment 2022 PDF. HsC 8th week assignment for 2022 candidates has been declared on DSHE website dshe.gov.bd. Students are looking for answer as well as questions PDF. This article address HSC Assignment 2022 8th week question.
HSC 8th week Assignment Question 2022
On 05 September 2021, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) published HSC 8th week assignment question. It’s mainly for HSC 2022 students. The activities of this 8th week assignment will start from 06 Septer 2021.
DSHE has included the following subjects in the HSC 8th week assignment —
- Bangla
- Biology
- Sociology
- Social Work
- Geography
- Finance, Banking & Insurance
- Home Management & Family Life
HSC Assignment Question 2022 8th week PDF
Generally, the whole HSC 2022 assignments are distributed in five bundles. In this 8th week, DSHE has published assignments for the subjects of bundle-01 and bundle 04.
As the HSC 8th week assignment question PDF, in bundle – 01, there is the 4th assignment of the Bangla subject. Besides that, bundle – 04 includes 2nd assignments of the rest of the subjects which are Biology, Sociology, Social Work, Geography, Finance Banking & Insurance and Home Management & Family Life.
We are going to share the assignments group-wise.
Compulsory Subject
Bangla is a compulsory subject. That means students of all groups have to study this particular subject. So, in this 8th week assignment, students have to complete a report writing task. It’s in the Bangla 2nd paper syllabus.
Science Group
In this 8th week, HSC 2022 students have an assignment to complete from the first chapter of Biology 2nd paper or Zoology book.
Business Studies Group
Finance, Banking & Insurance
For the students of the Business Studies group, the Finance, Banking & Insurance subject’s following assignment was published. It includes the 2nd paper book’s 1st chapter.
Humanities Group
Here is the assignment of Sociology subject as the HSC 8th week assignment 2022. Students should revise the 3rd chapter of the Sociology 2nd paper book to do this assignment.
Social Work
The 8th week assignment of Social work subject includes the 1st chapter of the 2nd paper book.
Students should study the 1st chapter of their Geography 2nd paper book for completing this subject’s 8th week assignment.
Home Management & Family Life
Here is the Home Management & Family Life subject assignment for the Humanities group students. Students have to read the 1st chapter of this subject’s 2nd paper book to complete this assignment.
The teachers will mark these assignments. The number range is as below:
Number Range
- 16-20 (excellent)
- 14-15 (very good)
- 10-13 (good)
- 0-09 (need progress)
Good Tips to Know
Govt has announced an innovative way to evaluate students’ study during this covid-19 situation. DSHE is publishing the assignments for all classes of students as per the schedule.
For the students of HSC 2022, this moment is very crucial. They missed the physical classes. That’s why they couldn’t focus on their study and cover the books as well. However, completing these assignments should help in that case. Because students have to revise a particular chapter before they can complete each assignment.
But often students are not aware of this thing. They copy from the other students or online. This is actually a bad practice for their learning process. Because if everything is copied, how can a student learn something from a topic? Even this will be an issue for having a low result in the HSC exam.
So, if you are motivated to make a good result in your exam, here are some tips for you:
Before doing an assignment, you should definitely revise the particular chapter from your main book.
- If you have anything unclear regarding an assignment’s topic, do not hesitate to ask your teacher.
- Nowadays, there are a lot of good lectures are available on the internet. Learn to take help from them.
- Do not do multi-tasking while you are studying. This will break your focus.
- Practice math as much as you can. This is very easy to forget how to catch math FAST if you don’t practice.
- Do extra-curricular activities and do exercise. This will cheer up your mind. So, you can be more productive in your studies.
- Never copy others’ assignments. Complete it with what you have learned.
- Discuss a topic with your friends/classmates/batchmates related to your academic subjects. This will enrich your knowledge of that topic.
Hope HSC 2022 students will complete their 8th week assignment exactly as per the guideline. Good luck to all.