
13th week Assignment Question 2021 PDF for Class 6,7,8 & 9

DSHE thirteenth week 6 to 9 assignment 2021 PDF. 13th week assignment question for class 6,7,8 & 9 has been declared on the Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education (DSHE) website This article addresses class six to nine assignment question image as well as PDF.

13th week Assignment Question 2021 PDF

DSHE has published the 13th week Assignment Question for classes 6,7,8 & 9. There is a total 21 weeks-based assignment of classes 6,7,8 & 9 which is planned by DSHE. In the 13th week assignment 2021, students of classes 6 – 8 have to complete Bangla (assignment 4) & Mathematics (assignment 3) and Class 9 students have to complete English (assignment 4) & Physics/Accounting/History & Civilization (assignment 3).

Students have to complete the assignment of these following subjects –

✓ Class 6 to 8 assignment subjects-

  • Bangla
  • Math

✓ Class 9 assignment subjects-

  • English
  • Physics
  • Accounting
  • Bangladesh History & World Civilization

In the 13th week, students of class 9 from the science group will complete English and Physics, students of business studies English & Accounting on the other hand students of humanities have to complete English, History & Civilization assignments.

Note: Students are encouraged to complete the assignment with their thoughts and knowledge. You should not copy the assignment answer from others. You have to submit the assignment answer sheet to your school (specific teacher) by maintaining the covid-19 safety protocols. All assignments of the class 6,7,8 & 9 will continuously publish on the DSHE (Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education) official website.

Class 6,7,8 & 9 Assignment Question for 13 Week PDF

As our education ministry has recently taken the step for evaluating our study by taking assignments from us that’s why we have to be serious about doing the assignment because assignments are now our backup option of evaluation instead of physical exams. If you are already following our website, you will get the class 6,7,8 & 9 assignments all questions PDF here.


Class 6 Assignment Question 

In the 13th week, students of class 6 have to complete Bangla (assignment 4) & Mathematics (assignment 3). Here are the assignment question images-

Bangla Assignment

Bangla 4th assignment of class 6 students have a poem called “Shukh”.


Math Assignment

13th week math assignment for class 6 students includes 2nd chapter.


Students will complete and submit their assignments to their teacher.

Class 7 Assignment Question 

In the 13th week, students of class 7 have to complete Bangla (assignment 4) & Mathematics (assignment 3). Here are the assignment question images-

Bangla Assignment

13th week Bangla assignment of class 7 students includes the following chapter.Screenshot-43

Math Assignment

13th week math assignment for class 7 students includes 4th chapter.


Class 8 Assignment Question 

In this current week, students of class 8 have to complete Bangla (assignment 4) & Mathematics (assignment 3). Here are the assignment question images-

Bangla Assignment

13th week Bangla assignment of class 8 students includes the following poem.


Math Assignment

13th week Math assignment of class 7 students includes the following chapter.


Class 9 Assignment Question 

DSHE has published 13th week assignment for the students of class 9 of the following subjects — English, Physics, Accounting and Bangladesh History & World Civilization.

English (assignment 4)

English is a compulsory subject for all the groups. So here is the English group assignment:


So, with English, in 13th week class 9 students will complete the following assignments –

Science Group Assignment 

Science group students have to complete English and Physics assignments.

Physics (assignment 3)

Science group students should study Physics 2nd chapter for assignment 3.


Students will complete and submit their assignments to their teacher.

Business Studies Group Assignment 

Students of the business studies group will complete English and Accounting assignments.

Accounting (assignment 3)

Commerce students have to revise 3rd chapter of the accounting book for assignment 3.


Students will complete and submit their assignments to their teacher.

Humanities Group Assignment 

Students of the humanities group have assignments for English and Bangladesh History & World Civilization subjects.

Bangladesh History & World Civilization (assignment 3)

Students of the humanities group got the 3rd chapter of the Bangladesh History & World Civilization as their 3rd assignment of this particular subject.


Students will complete and submit their assignments to their teacher

DSHE is the official website of publishing all assignments under control by our education ministry. One by one you will get all 21 weeks-based assignments of classes 6,7,8 & 9 here. You can download the assignment questions and notice from our website also if you are already following us.

Good to know

Students are serious about their study and gain more knowledge because you can use your good knowledge for the human-kind. You have to come forward for the welfare of your country.

Although the assignment is not the best process of evaluating a student as our education ministry has published it for us, we must have to complete this assignment before the exact time of the last submission date.

We are always looking forward to giving you the all information about assignments and other educational notices. So, you can expect all information you want from us.

However, as the assignment has been published get to complete the assignments student. Make your mindset focused on your assignment and get ready to complete the assignment.

Some Tips for the students-

  1. Read diligently
  2. Read properly
  3. You have to gain proper knowledge about a topic
  4. Increase of your skill of reading & writing
  5. Increase your time management skill
  6. Practice mathematics
  7. Increase your communication skills
  8. Do extra-curricular activities which you like
  9. Be a pious person
  10. Don’t copy others writings
  11. Complete your assignment with your knowledge

Keep eyes on our website for 6,7,8 & 9 classes, 13th week assignment & answer. Hope you will do your all assignment perfectly. Take good wishes from us.



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