By The authority of Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitment Process Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC), 46 BCS preli result pdf has been published on today on bcs official website bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. Here we put the 46th Preliminary Result link underneath the button. You can access the BPSC 46 preli bcs result after publishing by the authority.
46 BCS Preli Result PDF 2024
More than three lakhs three hundred eighty people attended the bcs exam in this year which was held on 26 April 2024. On the contrary there are few seats available as always. The number of vacancy for general cadre is not more than thousand. We will have a look on this later. One of the most concerning matter is the cut mark. As the question paper of the 46th exam was not so easy it is expected that the cut mark may be much less than the previous one. Lets have a concise look on 46 bcs preli result 2024.
Overview |
Previous information on 46 bcs preli
চাকুরি পরীক্ষার সকল আপডেট পান এখান থেকে। |
PDF File of 46th Preliminary Result
After the publishing of the 46 bcs preli result you will find it here. We provide the pdf file so that you can download the file and can access your stuff with more ease. You may also share the document with your friends and communities to get their result with ease. Here is 46 BCS Result

To see the full list please download the PDF file by clicking the button bellow.
Cut Mark Argument on 46th BCS Result
It doesn’t make any sense to the officials that what will be cut mark. They have a limited scope to give opportunity of attending written exam after 46 bcs preli result. It is very clear that it depends on how much number of examinee are considered by BPSC. Though it is tough to get an exact idea about the cut mark, But some specialist are thinking that the cut mark may be lie between 110 to 115.
Vacancies after 46 bcs preli result
Here is the list that shows you the total number of posts that are the destination for written exam fight after the 46 bcs preli result. You can have a look so that you may have a concept about you competition to reach the destination.
A total of 3140 people will be employed for 23 post of cadres, according to people familiar with the matter. A total of 437 candidates for education cadres, 274 for administration, 80 for police, 54 for customs, 25 for Ansar, 30 for tax cadres, foreign, forestry, railways, agriculture About 870 candidates will be recruited for the position.
Most health corps positions will be filled. A total of 539 doctors will be employed. Of these, 450 are appointed as trainees and 89 as dentists.
Cadres name | List |
Education Cadre | 437 |
Administration Cadre | 274 |
BCS Police cadre | 80 |
Health | 539 |
Customs | 54 |
Ansar | 25 |
Tax Cadre | 30 |
BCS Other Cadres | 870 |
46 BCS Written Preparation After Preliminary Result
In the second phase, after passing the 46 BCS Preli result, you will have to face a written exam totaling 900 points. The combined score for General Executives and Professional/Technical Executives is 900 points. Here is the detailed grade distribution is mentioned bellow. For language-related subjects such as Bengali and English, answers must be written in a specific language. Other subjects can be written in Bengali or English. However, if your question contains special conditions, they should be followed accordingly.
For general Cadres who will pass in 46th BCS preliminary result 2024,
Index | Subject | Marks |
1 | Bangla | 200 |
2 | English | 200 |
3 | Bangladesh Affairs | 200 |
4 | International Affairs | 100 |
5 | General Math | 50 |
6 | General Science | 100 |
7 | Mental Ability | 50 |
Total | 900 |
For professional and technical Cadres those who will be eligible after publishing the 46 bcs preli result 2024
Index | Subject | Marks |
1 | Bangla | 100 |
2 | English | 100 |
3 | Bangladesh Affairs | 200 |
4 | International Affairs | 100 |
5 | General Math | 50 |
6 | General Science | 100 |
7 | Mental Ability | 50 |
8 | Subjective | 100 |
Total | 900 |
46 BCS Question Solution after preliminary result
As promised, we were able to provide walkthroughs for all 46 BCS questions. Over the years, we have consistently provided the most accurate and timely answers and outperformed other sites. The 46th BCS exam in 2024 consisted of his 200 questions, which had to be answered within two hours. It is important to note that 0.5 points are deducted from the achieved score for every 45 of his BCS questions incorrectly answered.
FAQ on 46 bcs preli result
Most applicants try to enquire about 46 preli result 2024 issues on the community like Facebook group or with their more experienced peers. We’ve provided you with some of the most common and crucial BCS questions (Bangladesh Public Service Commission). The right response will be shared with you right here.
- Application Open: 10 December 2023
- Application Deadline: 31 December 2023
- Application Fee: 700 Taka
- Preliminary Exam Date: 26 April 2024
- Total Post: 31,40 (Cadre) 300 (Non-Cadre)
Query 1 : What exactly is BCS mean?
– BCS is fully defined as the Bangladesh Civil Service.
Query 2 : What qualifications are required to take the BCS Exam?
– The prerequisites for the 46 BCS Exam 2024 have already been mentioned in the aforementioned section.
Query 3 : When does the 46 BCS Circular application begin?
– The application will open on December 10, 2023, according to the official notice.
Query 4 : When will the 46 BCS online application process end?
– The deadline for 46 BCS Apply 2024’s online applications is December 31, 2024. So you should submit your application no later than two days before the deadline.
Query 5 : What are the minimum height and weight requirements for police and ansar cadres?
– Male candidates must be 5’4″ and weigh 54.54 kg, while female candidates must weigh 45.45 kg.
Query 6 : How to downlead 46 BCS Admit Card?
– You must keep the applicant’s copy, user ID, and password after submitting your online application. You’ll receive notice from the Bangladesh Public Service Commission by SMS on your phone. Using your User ID and Password, you may then download your admission card.
Query 7 : What can you do if you don’t have your NID or Smart Card?
– If you have either an NID or a smart card, you must choose “NID” in the appropriate field. Keep the field empty if you don’t have your NID or smart card with you. However, before the viva-voce, you must obtain your NID/Smart Card and that of your parents and present it to the viva-board.