BAF Shaheen College Admission Circular 2020-21 | www.bafsd.edu.bd
BAF Shaheen College Xi Admission 2020-21. Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) affiliated college authority usually publish an Xi admission circular for each academic year on their official website addressed www.bafsd.edu.bd.Here we have discussed briefly about “BAF Shaheen College Admission Circular 2020-21” and tried to give a better concept about their admission process. We will mention the HSC admission process for all of Shaheen college in Bangladesh like Dhaka, Kurmitola, Shamshernagar, Paharkanchanpur(PKP), Jessore, Chittagong. Applicants can apply from August’9 2020 to August’20 2020.Lets check in details.
BAF Shaheen College Admission Circular 2020-21 | www.bafsd.edu.bd
Bangladesh Air Force Shaheen College Popularly known as BAF Shaheen College, is a privatised educational institution run by the Bangladesh Air Force in different airbases around Bangladesh. It has one of the largest primary, secondary and higher secondary student population in Bangladesh.The number is six for such colleges in Bangladesh.Here in this content we will try to represent each BAF Shaheen college admission circular for lessening your effort to find here and there.
N.B: You have to apply these colleges listed down as the way of applying govt colleges under certain education board. The application fee and other all terms will remain same. To know application procedures,Payment Procedures, Important Dates and other just check this here.
Bangladesh Air Force has six branches. Here we added a chart about all branches total number of seat and EIIN Number. If you want to get more details about these colleges then scroll down.
College Name |
EIIN Number |
Number of Seat |
B.A.F Shaheen College Dhaka | 107858 | 1225 |
B.A.F Shaheen College Kurmitola | 107859 | 1070 |
B.A.F Shaheen College Chittagong | 104265 | 1015 |
B.A.F Shaheen College Jessore | 116115 | 455 |
B.A.F Shaheen College Shamshernagar | 135720 | 500 |
B.A.F Shaheen College PaharKanchanPur | 114634 | 450 |
BAF Shaheen College Dhaka Admission 2020
Here we attach BAF College Dhaka admission related important dates and deadline.
At a Glance |
BAF Shaheen College Dhaka is one of the famous educational institutions in the country. On March 1, 1960, the institution started its journey as an English medium school called “Shaheen School”. Later in 1967 English medium as well as Bengali medium was introduced. In the meantime, Shaheen School was renamed as “Shaheen High School” and within a few years, it was recognized by the Board of Higher Education, Dhaka. In the academic year 1977-78, Shaheen High School was renamed as “BAF Shaheen College Dhaka” for the purpose of upgrading it to a higher secondary college. Degree (pass course) was introduced in 1990-91 academic year and since then BAF Shaheen College has been operating as a degree college. However, the degree was abolished from the 2006-07 academic year. At present the college is under the Department of Primary Education, According to the rules of the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and the Board of Secondary and Higher Education, educational activities are conducted from children’s class to class twelve. There are co-curricular activities going on here. The college is well known and well established for its teaching methods and discipline. In the 2006 academic year, in addition to Bengali medium, English medium was introduced as per the education policy of the National Curriculum and Textbook Board. For more than five decades, the organization has produced many talents who have become nationally and internationally renowned.
BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola Admission Circular 2020-21
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BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola, run under the direct supervision and able leadership of the Bangladesh Air Force, is an ideal non-residential educational institution shining in its splendor in the unadulterated pleasant environment of unadulterated affection of nature and the chatter of birds. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from the hustle and bustle of dust, smoke and suffocation, the students get a chance to learn here.
It is operated by the Bangladesh Air Force under the Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Dhaka. It is managed by the efficient board of directors of the Bangladesh Air Force, experienced principals, wise teachers and staff – whose relentless efforts have made the reputation of the school grow.
The Bangladesh Air Force established this educational institution called ‘Air Force School’ in 1972 for the better education of the children of the members of the Bangladesh Air Force and the people of the area. In 1980 it was renamed as BAF Shaheen School. Later in 1982 it was upgraded to Class XII and renamed as BAF Shaheen College Kurmitola.
BAF Shaheen College Chittagong XI Admission Circular 2020-21
At a Glance |
“BAF Shaheen College Chittagong” is a glorious and traditional name in the educational field of Chattogram. An educational institute directed by Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) under the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Chattogram. Since establishment in 1978, the academic curriculum (Bengali Medium) was only limited to Secondary level. But considering the requirement and increased students, the school was upgraded to a higher secondary level during academic year 1985-86. That was not the end. BAF Shaheen School continued to progress in all sphere. To mark the Excellence in education, the school launched the English version under National Curriculum in 2006 and the college section in 2014. Since then this institute is known as BAF Shaheen College Chattogram. Here in Bengali Medium and English version, co-education programs are being run from kg to twelfth class. In addition, to develop the underlying qualities of the students, the curriculum is not only limited to study the prescribed books but also to variety of co-curricular activities. Special emphasis is given to develop moral values and ethics of the students through presentation and lectures. The Principle of this college is ‘Education, Patience and Discipline’. The main objective of this organization is to create good citizens. All activities of the organization are directed solely to the implementation of these principles. Finally, we can proudly say that expert and experienced teachers/academies and counseling board are there to handle the teaching process in a firm way to build honest, patriotic, ideal and valued people.
BAF Shaheen College Jessore Admission Circular 2020-21
At a Glance |
BAF Shaheen College Shamshernagar HSC Admission Circular
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BAF Shaheen College PaharKanchanpur XI Admission Circular 2020-21
At a Glance |
BAF Shaheen College Paharkanchanpur is one of the educational institutions in the country. On 15 July 1997, BAF Shaheen School started its journey as a school through Bangla. On 23 March 2003, the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education granted permission for primary education in the lower secondary branch from Mymensingh region. On 20 September 2006, the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Dhaka, granted temporary recognition to the lower secondary branch. On 26 March 2007, the Department of Primary Education registered from Dhaka to 5th class. On 16 May 2007, the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Dhaka, gave permission to teach up to 9th class and on 11 January 2012, it was recognized as a secondary branch. That’s it Continuing, the Board of Secondary and Higher Education, Dhaka, on 12 July 2012 (Science and Business Education Branch) and on 22 April 2014, allowed the admission of students in the eleventh class in the humanities branch. And in Bangladesh, according to the rules of the Air Force Education Directorate, educational activities are going on from children’s class to twelfth class. As part of the co-curricular activities, inter-cricket, hockey, football, debates, quizzes, competitions and other co-curricular activities are running here. The college has been well known and established for its teaching methods and discipline for over two decades and has given birth to many talents. Following this, SSC examination in 2014 in the combined merit list in Tangail district There are other collaborations including competitions. The college has been well known and established for its teaching methods and discipline for over two decades and has given birth to many talents. Following this, SSC examination in 2014 in the combined merit list in Tangail district.