Bangladesh Bank Officer General Seat Plan 2022 | erecruitment.bb.org.bd
BB Officer(General) Seat Distribution 2022
The regulatory body of all banks and bank of government, Bangladesh bank officer general seat plan 2022 has been publish by the exam taker authority Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). BB general officer exam’s seat distribution has been published on BD Bank official website erecruitment.bb.org.bd . বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক অফিসার জেনারেল সিট প্ল্যান বাংলায় দেখুন।
Bangladesh Bank Officer General Seat Plan 2022 | erecruitment.bb.org.bd
The BD Bank Officer(General) exam will be held on 02 December 2022 and BIBM will take the examination of the post of Bangladesh bank Officer(General) exam 2022. There is 2 lakh 2 thousand 51 students who have applied for BB general officer post. Lets see some interesting facts about Bangladesh bank officer general seat plan at a glance.
BB Officer(General) at a glance. |
BB General Officer Seat Plan Notice 2022
Recently BD Bank Assistant Director’s exam has been taken place from where we can see there was one lakh and thirty four thousand students participated the exam but in this case the number is unbelievably high that is 2 lakh 2 thousand and 51 persons. The BIBM taken the Bangladesh Bank AD exam through 45 exam center all over the Dhaka city but in this case the number of total center is 74. Same seat distribution pattern will be followed in BB general officer seat plan 2022 as the exam taker and the number of students is almost same. After all it has fluctuate based on the actual number on participant for Bangladesh bank officer general seat plan. Lets see the BB officer general seat plan 2022 to get a concept.

Key point Indications for BB general officer 2022 exam which is mentioned in Bangladesh bank officer general seat plan 2022.
- No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without admit card. Any paper, book, mobile except admit card in exam center
- Phones, calculators, smartwatches, all types of electronic devices, bank/credit card like devices, jewelry, bracelets and bags are strictly prohibited. Failure to do so will result in expulsion of the candidate.
- Candidates cannot cover their ears during the examination, both ears must be visible. No prohibited items can be entered into the center.
- If it is necessary to use an audio recorder or any type of hearing aid in the ear, the approval must be applied to the Director, Human Resources Department-1 within 27/10/2022 with the recommendation of the specialist doctor of the government hospital.
- Must leave for the destination. Candidates must reach the examination center at least 1.00 hours before the commencement of the examination to complete the necessary checking activities. The main gate of the examination center will be closed at 10.00 am and candidates will not be allowed to enter the center after that under any circumstances.
Some more information about Bangladesh bank Officer(General) Seat Plan and Circular
The Circular was published on December 2021 and applied was been running till 20 January 2022. Bangladesh Bank published the circular through their official website www.erecruitment.bb.org.bd. Now lets see the major information about the BB general officer circular in a short extent.
Total Vacancies
There is a total of 1763 vacancies are available in 9 banks. (Sonali Bank Ltd 227, Janata Bank Ltd 1162, Rupali Bank Ltd 87, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd 17, Ansar VDP Unnoyon Bank 163, Rajshahi Krishi Unnoyon Bank 77, Probashi Kollayan Bank 15, Karmashangsthan Bank 13 and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh 2)
Salary and allowances
According to the National Salary Scale – 2015, the salary range will be 16000-16800-17640——–38640 (9th grade), and other facilities will be given.
Education Qualification
There is a minimum educational qualification required for applying to this post. Here are those:
- You should have completed a master’s program from any recognized university or at least you should have completed 4-years honors degree.
- In the SSC and HSC results, you should not have any 3rd class and at least you should have one first-class.
- In SSC and HSC exam results, GPA 3 or upper is considered as first class and below GPA 2 to 3, it will be considered as second class.
- For the CGPA result, in 4 scale, CGPA 3+ and in 5 scale, CGPA 3.75+ will be considered as first class and in 4 scale, CGPA 2.25+ but below 3.00 and in 5 scale CGPA 2.813+ but below 3.75 will be considered as a second class result.