43 BCS Admit Card, Seat Plan & Exam Date 2021 । bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
43 BCS Seat Plan PDF has been announced.
43st BCS Preliminary Exam Date, Admit Card & Seat Plan 2021. 43 BCS Seat plan & teletalk admit card & Exam Date will be available on bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. Most of the applicants waiting for downloading their upcoming 29 October preliminary exam seat plan as well admit card. In this article, we will try to reveal all the procedure of collecting “43 BCS Seat Plan” & “43 BCS Admit Card”.
43 BCS Preliminary Exam Date
BPSC that means Bangladesh Public Service Commission announced their upcoming 43 BCS preliminary exam date . According to press release 43 BCS exam test will be held on 29 October 2021. Exam will be held on Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal, Sylet, Rangpur, Mymensingh at a time.
43 BCS Seat Plan
BCS Seat Plan PDF will be published on BCS related website bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. If you are BCS candidates , check your preliminary seat plan. Here we add full 43 Seat Plan with PDF Link.

43 BCS Admit Card Download
43rd BCS admit card has been published on bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. To download the admit card, as before, first we have to enter bpsc.teletalk.com.bd in this link.
- After entering the link, click the “43 BCS Examination” option under the heading “Admit Card / Applicant’s Copy” from the bottom of the page.
- After clicking the “43st BCS Examination” option, we will see a webpage like below.
Other Information
- Candidate registration number 08 (eight) digit. If the number of the candidate’s registration number is less than 08 digits, then the left-hand cell, filled with the 0 (zero) digits. Applicant must be use Black Ball Point pen to draw circle.
- Every answer sheet has a “Set Number”. Applicant write this “SET” number on answer sheet.
- After getting the question papers at 10:00 in the morning, the candidates set their question set and answer sheet set Be sure to check whether it is identical.
- The candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination if the questionnaire is delivered at 10am – 00:00 pm. After the questionnaire did not end the examination The candidate can not leave the test room (until 12pm) until the candidate.
- In case of Preliminary Test, candidates will not be allowed to do any type of clock and calculator while examining candidates.
- If your photo do not match with your admit card, the candidate will be expelled and legal action will be taken against him.
- The use of watch and calculator in the examination of the candidates has been banned.
43st BCS Result 2021
43 BCS Preliminary result will publish after written exam. Who pass the preliminary test he can eligible for written test. 43 BCS Result will announced on Bangladesh Public Service Commission(BPSC) official website and www.admissionwar.com When result will published we will send you a notification about result link. So stay with us to get 43 BCS Preliminary Result of BCS written Result 2021. more quickly.