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All About BCS – Preli , Written & Syllabus |

41 BCS Syllabus and all information about written and preliminary information is available on our website. If you dont know anything about bcs then this article is for you. You will get a2z concept about BCS exam taken by Bangladesh Public service commission. you may know about BCS preli exam and syllabus , BCS written exam and syllabus , BCS mark distribution , Step by step procedure, BCS viva system and syllabus , BCS exam syllabus etc.lets check out the content.

BCS Question and answer

BCS’s Three-step Test Procedure

According to the provisions of the BCS (Age, Eligibility and Direct Recruitment) Accordings to Rules-2014, the Government Action Commission conducts the following 3-level recruitment test to nominate suitable candidates in the Bangladesh Civil Service.

  • First Level: Number 200 MCQ Type Preliminary Test.
  • Second Level: Written Test Number 900 for the passed candidates in the Preliminary Test.
  • Third Level: The Viva-voce on number 200 for the candidates who have passed the written test.

First Level: Number 200 MCQ Type Preliminary Test

Due to the large number of candidates in the vacant posts, the MCQ Type Preliminary Test is conducted by the Bangladesh Government Action Commission, Rule 2014 of the BCS (Age, Eligibility and Direct Recruitment Test) Rule-2014, for selection of suitable candidates through written examination. Preliminary tests were taken at number 100 till the 34th BCS exam. Under the provisions of BCS Exam Rules-2014, the MCQ Type Preliminary Test has been introduced in 2 hours from the 35th BCS Examination on 10 subjects.

Distribution of Subjects and Numbers of the Preliminary Test

Serial number Name of the subject Number distribution
1. Bengali language and literature 35
2. English Language and Literature 35
3. Bangladesh  Affairs 30
4. International Affairs 20
5. Geography (Bangladesh and the World), Environment and Disaster Management 10
6. General science 15
7. Computer and Information Technology 15
8. Mathematical logic 15
9. Mental ability 15
10. Morals, values ​​and good governance 10
Total 200

Level 2: Written Test on number 900 (average pass number 50%)

Candidates who have been declared successful by the Commission in the Preliminary Test are required to participate in the Written Test of Number 900. According to the prescribed educational qualification, the 27cadres are divided into two categories called general cadre and technical / professional cadre.

  1.  Written examinations on number 900 for candidates for general cadre.
  2.  Written Examination on Number 900 for Technical / Professional Cadre Candidates.

Distribution of the subject number of the written test for the general cadre candidates

Serial number Compulsory issues Number distribution
1 Bengali 200
2 English 200
3 Bangladesh affairs 200
4 International affairs 100
5 Mathematical logic and mental ability 100
6 General Science and Technology 100
Total 900


Distribution of the subject number of the written test for the technical / professional cadre candidates

Serial number Compulsory issues Number distribution
1 Bengali 100
2 English 200
3 Bangladesh affairs 200
4 International affairs 100
5 Mathematical logic and mental ability 100
6 Post related subject 200
Total 900

Examination technical / professional cadre

Candidates who will be given preference for both general and technical / professional cadre positions are required to give written examination of the relevant subject number for the general cadre, or relevant subject number 900 for the service.

Level 3: Viva-voce on number 200 (pass number 50%)

Candidates who have passed the BCS written exam are required to take part in the oral test of number 25. On the oral examination, the pass score is 50%

Formation of BCS-Examination Interview Board

According to the provisions of the BCS Examination Rules, the Commission constitutes the oral examination boards as follows:

1 Chairman / Member of the Commission Chairman of the Board
2 Joint Secretary or higher rank officer nominated by the Government Board member
3 Subject related specialists nominated by the Commission Board member

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