DU 7 College Admission Apply 2025 । collegeadmission.eis.du.ac.bd
Dhaka University affiliated 7 colleges online admission application 2024-2025. Du 7 College admission apply 2025 has been started on collegeadmission.eis.du.ac.bd. The application process has commenced, and candidates meeting the minimum qualifications are eligible to apply. This post will provide detailed information on the minimum qualifications required for application and the application process.
DU 7 College Admission Apply 2024-2025
DU 7 College Admission Apply is the process of applying online for admission to seven affiliated colleges under the University of Dhaka. Applicants must submit personal information, educational qualifications, and relevant documents, and pay an application fee. After shortlisting, candidates must take an admission test and submit original academic certificates and pay the admission fee to complete the admission process.
Timeline |
Application Start: 06 January 2025 Last Date: 12 February 2025 Application Fee: 800 Admission Test: 18, 19 & 25 April 2025 Apply Link : collegeadmission.eis.du.ac.bd |
Minimum Requirements
To be eligible, candidates are required to have passed their SSC or equivalent examination between 2019 and 2022. Additionally, they must have passed their HSC or equivalent examination in 2024.
It is important to note that different units may have additional application requirements which need to be fulfilled separately. The specific unit-based application requirements can be found below.
Unit | Requirements (Including 4th Subject) |
Science | The total GPA obtained in SSC and HSC exams must be 7.00. |
Humanities | The total GPA obtained in SSC & HSC exams must be 6.00. |
Business Studies | The total GPA obtained in SSC and HSC examinations must be 6.50. |
DU 7 College Online Apply 2025
The application process for admission to the 7 colleges affiliated with Dhaka University will remain open until 06, January 2025. Those who are interested can visit the admission website and fill out the application form with their academic details. The admission process for the DU 7 colleges consists of seven steps, which are outlined below.
Step-1: First visit this link. Now click on the ‘LOGIN’ option from the page that will be displayed on your screen.
Step-2: You will see a form on the screen. Fill out the form with the information given below. When you have finished filling the form with the information given below, click on the “লগ ইন করুন” button.
- HSC/equivalent exam roll number;
- HSC/equivalent education board;
- HSC/quivalent passing year;
- SSC roll number.
Step-3: In this step, you will see the applicant’s personal information on your screen. You will also see applicable units. In addition, you will also see the “নিশ্চিত করছি” button at the bottom of this page. Click on the button.
Step-4: Below is the information that must be provided in the form that you will see. After providing the information, click on the “পরবর্তী ধাপ” button.
- Current Address;
- Mobile number;
- And Quota (if any).
Step-5: On this page, Candidates need to upload a color photo. The required information about the image type is given below.
- Height: 360-540 Pixel
- Width: 540-720 Pixel
- Size: 30-200 KB
- Type: jpg or jpeg
Step-6: In this step, the candidate has to confirm the password. You will see instructions on the screen on how to confirm the password.
However, in order to confirm the password, the SIM cards of the companies you can use are given below. Once the password is confirmed, click the “দাখিল করুন” button.
- TeleTalk
- Banglalink
- Robi
- and Airtel.
Step-7: This is the last step of the application. In this step, select the unit against which you want to apply and pay the application fee by following the on-screen instructions. Below are the mediums through which you can pay the application fee.
- Mobile Banking
- Internet Banking
- Debit/Credit Card
- Bank – Sonali, Agranai, Rupali and Janata.
DU Seven Colleges Admit Card
DU 7 colleges admit card is a crucial document that contains essential information about the student and their admission status. It includes the student’s name, roll number, exam center, date and time of the exam, and other relevant details. The admit card serves as a proof of the student’s eligibility to attend the classes and take the exams.
To obtain the admit card, students must follow the admission process and submit all the required documents within the stipulated time frame. The admission authorities will verify the documents and issue the admit card to the eligible candidates. The admit card can be downloaded from the official website of Dhaka University or the respective college website.
Join our Facebook group or page to get all kinds of updates regarding admission. In addition, you can send us any kind of query, our administrators try to answer them.
admission time ki barte pare?
কলা ও মানবিক বিভাগের পরিক্ষা কত তারিখে
Apply link e dhuka jacche na
Apply korar por nmbr e kono sms ase nai, ki korbo ekhn?
Sms asche holo age tumi dhaka University te apply korechila
Amar Garhostho orthoniti unit er abedon option ashche na keno??
আবেদন লিংক এ তো ডুকা যায় না? কি করব?
SSC & Hsc business stadies 2tay mily 6.48 asa akon ki apply korty parmu
abedon link kaj korche na
Ssc open theykey and hsc general theykey apply kortey parbo?
abedhon kobe theke shuru hbe?
1 July
কিন্তু আবেদন লিংকে তো ঢুকা যায় না। কিভাবে আবেদন করতে হবে।
আমার আবেদন এর সময় কোন পাসওয়ার্ড বা sms আসে নাই। এখন আমি কিভাবে প্রবেশ পত্র তুলবো
হ্যালো আমি সোহাগ বলছি আপনার প্রবেশপএ কি ডাউনলোড করতে পারছেন??
Taka Ki akon Pay korte parbo
Abadon date ki barano hoba ???
I have lost my password😞
How can I recover my password?
Someone help me please.
How many students apply for kola or social science unit in affiliate 7 Colleg?
এখন ও কি আবেদন করা যাবে ?
পরিক্ষার কেন্দ্র কোথায় পড়বে
2 din age website e paben..but apni ki janen ebar apply korce koto jon..?
I have visited the site where I could apply for du 7 affiliate college. But they r only asking me my SSC and HSC roll number then after confirming it they are showing my info. after that they are directly showing me the units which I could apply. they are not asking me to give address or phone number. Is this ok? I’m confused. Need help
সাত কলেজে আবেদন করার সময় যদি নাম্বার ভুল হয় তাহলে কিভাবে নাম্বার চেঞ্জ করতে হবে? কেউ জানলে প্লিজ!