– Banker Selection Committee Website
Bankers Selection Committee Website: erecruitment bb org bd. Explore the Bangladesh Bank application and apply website at In this article, we will discuss every section of the Bangladesh Bank erecruitment website and provide other related details. – Banker Selection Committee Website
The official link for Bangladesh Bank Job Circulars and Applications is Through this website, applicants can check the latest Bangladesh Bank job circulars, submit applications, and download the tracking page. Recently, Bangladesh Bank’s official website has updated its interface, causing candidates to face difficulties in finding the application link on Therefore, we aim to provide you with the correct Bankers Selection Committee Website, ensuring easy access for a smooth job application process.
erecruitment bb org bd Notice Board
Bankers’ Selection Committee Secretariat (BSCS) has announced all the updated information on their notice board at We have collected all the latest Bangladesh Bank notice and provided them in the section below.
Publication Date | Closing Date | Title (link) |
21/03/2024 | 20/04/2024 | List of selected candidates for the post of Officer(General) (Base Year-2020) (Job ID: 10147) for Combined 9 Banks/FIs (SBPLC-227, JBPLC-1162, RBPLC-87, BDBL-17, ANSARVDP-163, RAKUB-77, PROBASHI-15 Karmasangsthan- 13 and ICB-2) [download] |
19/03/2024 | 03/04/2024 | Written Test result and Schedule of viva voce for the post of Senior Officer (Engineer-Civil)/Assistant Engineer-Civil(9th grade)-Base year-2020 (Job ID:10151) of 06 Bank/FI details.. (588 KB) [download] |
14/03/2024 | 13/04/2024 | List of primarily selected candidates for the post of SO(AME/AHE) of Rupali Bank PLC & BKB, Base year-2020, Job Id-10165. details.. (424 KB) [download] |
04/03/2024 | 01/04/2024 | Amendment of circular (No : 06/2024, Date: 15/01/2024); regarding submission of online application for 04 IT Related posts of different Banks/ Financial institutions (Based Year-2022) details.. (153 KB) [download] |
Publication Date | Closing Date | Title (link) |
25/02/2024 | 24/03/2024 | List of selected candidates for the post of Assistant Programmer (Job ID: 10164) for Combined 5 Banks/FIs (RBPLC-02, BKB- 04, RAKUB-07, BHBFC- 02 and ICB-1) for uploading in the website of Bangladesh Bank. details.. (93 KB) [download] |
24/03/2024 | List of primarily selected candidates (3rd phase) for the post of Officer (JOB ID-10126, Base year-2019) of 08 Banks/FI details.. (280 KB) [download] | |
08/03/2024 | Schedule of MCQ Test of 10 Banks/FIs for the post of Officer (General) (Job ID-10181) (Base year 2021) details.. (461 KB) [download] | |
22/02/2024 | 29/02/2024 | Rescheduling of Viva Voce for the post of ‘Assistant Programmer (Grade-9)’ (Job ID-10164) (Base year 2020) of 05 Banks/FIs details.. (76 KB) [download] |
19/02/2024 | 18/03/2024 | List of Primarily Selected Candidates (4th Phase) for the Post of Senior Officer (Engineer-Civil) (Job ID-10120) of 07 Banks/FIs (Base year-2020) details.. (446 KB) [download] |
15/02/2024 | 06/03/2024 | List of Primarily Selected Candidates (4th Phase) for the Post of ‘Senior Principle Officer’ of Palli Sanchay Bank. details.. (194 KB) [download] |
25/02/2024 | Written Test result and schedule of viva voce for the post of “Sub Assistant Engineer-Civil” (10th grade-Base year 2020 (Job ID:10161) of 02 Bank/FI details.. (499 KB) [download] | |
13/02/2024 | 12/03/2024 | Schedule of Viva Voce for the post of Assistant Programmer (Grade-9) (Job ID-10164) (Base year 2020) of 05 Banks/FIs details.. (455 KB) [download] |
05/02/2024 | 07/03/2024 | Apply online for 06 Engineering Related posts & 03 Miscellaneous posts of different Banks/ Financial institutions (Based Year-2022) details.. (547 KB) [download] |
04/03/2024 | List of the selected candidate on the 2nd Phase for the post of Officer (Cash)-2019 (Job ID: 10117) in Sonali Bank PLC, Janata Bank PLC, Agrani Bank PLC & Bangladesh Development Bank PLC. details.. (92 KB) [download] |
30/01/2024 | 09/02/2024 | Admit Card Download and Exam (MCQ & Written) Notice for the Post of Assistant Programmer (Job ID-10198) of 04 Banks/FIS (Base year-2021) [download] |
16/01/2024 | 15/02/2024 | Content and Number Distribution of MCQ Test and Written Test of 10 Banks/FIs for the post of Officer (General) (Job ID-10181) (Base year 2021) [download] |
15/01/2024 | 14/02/2024 | Apply online for 06 IT Related posts of different Banks/ Financial institutions (Based Year-2022) [download] |
11/01/2024 | 10/02/2024 | List of the selected candidate for the post of Senior Officer (G)-2020 (Job ID: 10146) in Sonali Bank PLC, Janata Bank PLC, Rupali Bank PLC, Bangladesh Development Bank PLC, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Probashi Kollyan Bank, Karmasangasthan Bank & Investment Corporation of Bangladesh. [download] |
08/01/2024 | 07/02/2024 | List of Primarily Selected Candidates (4th Phase) for the Post of Assistant Programmer (JOB ID-10111)(Based year-2019) of 6 Banks & FIS [download] |
04/01/2024 | 17/01/2024 | Written result and schedule of viva voce for the post of officer (Job ID-10147) of 9 Banks/FIS (base year 2020) [download] |
02/01/2024 | 01/02/2024 | List of Primarily Selected Candidates for the Post of Senior Officer (Law) (Job ID-10159) of RBL & BHFC (Base year-2020) [download] |
01/01/2024 | 19/01/2024 | Written result and schedule of viva voce for the post of senior officer (Engineer-Textile) (Job ID-10155) of Agrani Bank PLC and Janata Bank PLC base year 2020 [download] |
31/12/2023 | 30/01/2024 | List of primarily selected candidate for the post of Senior Officer (Medical) (Grade-9) (Job ID-10154) of Agrani Bank PLC [download] |
27/12/2023 | 26/01/2024 | Apply online for the post of Officer (RC) of Janata Bank PLC (Base Year 2022) details. [download] |
26/12/2023 | 20/01/2024 | Revised Date for the Age Upper Limit Calculation Mentioned in the 2022 Based Online Application Circulars for the Post of Senior Officer (G) (Job ID: 10201), Officer (G) (Job ID- 10202) and Officer (Cash) (Job ID: 10203) [download] |
21/12/2023 | 20/01/2024 | Apply online for the post of Officer (Cash)/Officer (Teller) (JOB ID-10203) of 5 Banks/FIs (Base Year 2022) details.. (627 KB) [download] |
20/01/2024 | Apply online for the post of Officer (General) (JOB ID-10202) of 9 Banks/FIs (Base Year 2022) [download] | |
20/01/2024 | List of primarily selected candidates for the post of senior officer(Engineer-Electrical) (Job Id-10156) (Year base-2020) of Janata Bank PLC And Agrani Bank PLC [download] | |
20/12/2023 | 19/01/2024 | Apply online for the post of Senior Officer (General) (JOB ID-10201) of 9 Banks/FIs (Base Year 2022) [download] |
17/12/2023 | 16/01/2024 | List of Primarily selected candidates for the post of SO(GENERAL) (JOB ID: 10128) (3rd phase) of 8 Banks/FIs (Base Year 2019) [download] |
Bangladesh Bank Online Application (erecruitment bb org bd)
- Apply Online: Begin Bangladesh Bank application by clicking on the ‘Apply Online’ button. This will direct you to the user-friendly application portal, where you can fill in your details, upload necessary documents, and complete the application process seamlessly.
- Verify Payment: After submitting your application, proceed to ‘Verify Payment’ to ensure that your application fee has been successfully processed. Use the provided Transaction ID (TxnID) to validate your payment. This step is crucial for the completion of your application, so make sure to verify it within the specified time frame.
- Print Tracking Page: Once your payment is verified, proceed to ‘Print Tracking Page.’ This page serves as confirmation that your application is complete. Save this page for future reference, as it contains your Tracking ID Number. This unique identifier will be essential for tracking your application status and downloading important documents later in the process.”
Bangladesh Bank Applicant CV
- Edit CV: Improve your CV by adding new details or making changes. Keep your work history and skills updated to present yourself effectively.
- Change Password: Make your account more secure by changing your password. Keep your login details safe and updated for better account protection.
- Forgot Password: If you can’t remember your password, don’t worry. You can reset it easily. Just follow the steps for a new password and regain access to your account.
- Search CV Track ID: Find your application status with your CV Track ID. Stay informed about your job application progress and make sure everything goes smoothly.
Bangladesh Bank Erecruitment Download Section
- Admit Card: Bangladesh Bank Admit Card is like your entry ticket for exams or interviews. It has your details and the information you need to attend the test or interview.
- Viva Card: A Viva Card is a special ticket for face-to-face interviews. It tells you when and where to go for your interview. Keep it safe and bring it with you on the interview day.
- Duplicate Admit Card: If you lose your original Admit Card, don’t worry! You can get a Duplicate Admit Card. It’s a replacement, so you can still attend your exam or interview.
- Document Seeking Letter: A Document Seeking Letter is like a shopping list for paperwork. It tells you what documents you need to bring, making sure you have everything ready for your application or interview.
5. Offer Letter: Congratulations! An Offer Letter is like a golden ticket to Bangladesh bank job. It officially invites you to join the company. Read it carefully, and if you accept, get ready for your exciting new journey!
Instructions for Changing Photo/Signature
If your photo/signature is absent, upload it from the “Edit Resume” section. Do not email for changes if you already have a valid photo/signature. BB authority may change the applicant’s photo/signature if it’s invalid. Otherwise, no changes will be made.
Bangladesh Bank Erecruitment Frequently Asked Question( FAQ)
1. What is CV Bank?
- Bangladesh Bank stores all online applications and CV since December 2009. If you applied for any post on the BB website, your CV is preserved, and you receive a unique CV Identification Number.
2. What is CV Identification Number or Job Tracking Number?
- CV Identification Number is unique for each CV posted online, allowing applicants to apply for different positions without creating a new CV. Job Tracking Number is specific to each post and CV ID.
3. How to apply for the first time?
- Visit the “Apply Job” page, click “New applicant? Register now!” and follow the instructions to fill out the form.
4. I can’t remember my CV Identification number?
- Search your CV ID using your name, parents’ names, date of birth, and password from the “Search CV Track ID” link on the Job Openings page.
5. I can’t remember my password?
- Reset your password if you know your CV ID, date of birth, and the email address in your CV. Use the “Reset Password” link on the Job Openings page.
6. My photo is absent in my tracking page, What to do?
- Upload your photo/signature from the “Edit Resume” section if it’s missing.
7. How to use a previous CV?
- If you’ve registered in the CV bank, use your previous CV Identification Number and Password to apply.
8. Where can I contact for application problems?
- Email [email protected] for BB online applications and [email protected] for Bankers’ Selection Committee Secretariat applications. Include your name, parents’ names, date of birth, and the issue.
9. I can’t remember my Job tracking number? How can I get my admit card?
- Print the admit card using your CV ID. Click “To print Admit Card by CV identification number click here!” on the Job Openings page, select the post, and enter your CV ID and password.
10. When should I send my Certificates and relevant papers?
- No need to send any certificates or papers now; they will be requested later.
11. In the Tracking page, my Permanent address is showing. Do I have to collect my examination card from my permanent address?
- Examination or interview cards will be sent to your present address.
12. How can I print my admit card?
- On the print admit page, download or print your admit card using your CV Identification Number or Job Tracking Number and Password.
13. What happens after I submit my resume online?
- After applying, you’ll receive a job tracking page confirming receipt. Print and keep the page.
14. I can’t apply for the new post using my CV Identification Number? It is asking for reference, which is disabled?
- Edit your resume to include reference info. Click “Edit Resume” on the Job List page, log in with your CV Identification Number and Password, and update your resume with reference information.
15. How to change/update photo/signature of my CV?
- Write a hardcopy/handwritten application to change photo/signature, addressing it to the specified address.