GST Admission Online Apply 2024-2025 | gstadmission.ac.bd
General Science and Technology – GST admission online application for the 2024-2025 academic year. GST Admission Apply 2025 has been started on the website gstadmission.ac.bd. As per the circular, the final online application process will commence on …… 2025 and conclude on …….. 2025. This post aims to provide you with insights on the GST online form fill-up process and payment details.
GST Admission Online Application 2024-2025
In the field of General Science and Technology or GST, there exist a total of 22 universities. Previously, prospective students were required to submit separate applications for admission tests at each of these universities. However, with the introduction of the GST online admission process, interested students can now apply to any one of these universities with just a single application.
In this discussion, we will delve into the process of applying for admission online for the 2024-2025 academic year in the General Science and Technology field. Before we do so, let us first take a look at the qualifications that a candidate must possess before submitting an application.
Timeline |
Application Open: Last Date: Application Fee: 1500 Taka Admit Card: Admission Test: Admission Result: Orientation Class: Apply Link : gstadmission.ac.bd |
Minimum Requirement to Apply
Here are the minimum GST admission requirements for candidates interested in applying to universities that are part of the GST admission system:
- A Unit (Science) applicants must have a total GPA of 8.00. Additionally, they must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 for each of their board exams for SSC and HSC.
- B Unit (Arts) applicants must have a total GPA of 7.00. Additionally, they must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 for each of their board exams for SSC and HSC.
- C Unit (Commerce) applicants must have a total GPA of 7.50. Additionally, they must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 for each of their board exams for SSC and HSC.
GST Online Application Procedure
To apply for GST Admission Apply 2023, it’s important to carefully review the circular to ensure that you meet the requirements of the unit you wish to apply to. Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, you can follow these steps to complete the online application process:
gstadmission ac bd apply
- Visit the official website of GST at www.gstadmission.ac.bd.
- Click on the “Apply Here” button to begin your online application.
- Fill out the online form with accurate information as requested.
- Click the “Next” button to review the information you’ve provided on the screen. Verify that all information is correct.
- Enter the 11-digit mobile number of the candidate or their guardian, and then click “Next.”
- A One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the provided mobile number. It may take some time for the OTP to arrive, so candidates should be patient. If the OTP doesn’t arrive within 5 minutes, click the “Resend OTP” button. If multiple OTPs are received, use the most recent one. Candidates can also correct or change the phone number by clicking the “Back” button.
- After entering the received OTP correctly, click the “Submit” button to complete your application.
It’s important to note that intentionally or unintentionally providing incorrect information can result in your application being rejected.

It is important to read the Admission Prospectus and Application Manual very carefully to ensure that the overall admission process is completed properly.
List of 22 Universities Under GST Admission System
Here are the names of two categories of universities: General and Science and Technology. There are 10 universities in the General category and 12 universities in the Science and Technology category under the GST admission system. The first category includes the name of a General University, while the second category includes the name of a Science and Technology University.
General University |
Serial No. | University Name |
01 | Jagannath University |
02 | Islamic University |
03 | Sheikh Hasina University |
04 | Khulna University |
05 | Comilla University |
06 | Begum Rokeya University |
07 | Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul University |
08 | Barisal University |
09 | Rabindra University |
09 | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujubur Rahman University, Kishoreganj |
Science and Technology University |
Serial No. | University Name |
01 | Shahajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) |
02 | Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) |
03 | Fazilatunnessa Mujib University of Science and Technology |
04 | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University |
05 | Rangamati University of Science and Technology |
06 | Bangabandhu University of Science and Technology |
07 | Pabna University of Science and Technology |
08 | Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST) |
09 | Noakhali University of Science and Technology (NSTU) |
10 | Mawalana Bhashani University of Science an0d Technology (MBSTU) |
11 | Haji Danesh University of Science and Technology University |
12 | Chadpur Science and Technology University |
GST Admission Result 2025
According to the news source, General, Science & Technology briefly GST A unit admission result has been published on…… Students who will get a position on GST final result can eligible for the admission. If you are an admission candidate, you check GST result 2025 below link-
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আমি ভুলে ইংলিশ ভার্সন দিয়ে দিয়েছি এখন বাংলা ভার্সন কিভাবে দিবো ?
হবে না
Admit tolte parsina
আমি যে ফাইনাল আবেদনে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সিলেকশন করেছি ওই আবেদন কপি টা হারিয়ে ফেলছি তা ঐ কপিটা কি websiteথেকে তোলার কোনো উপায় আছে কি
Amr 2nd merit list aa Nam asselo but Ami apply Korte pari nai please amake r ekbar apply Korar chance den
beg most respectful to state that I am a student of GST admission system. Unfortunately I delete the massage where my application ID and PASSWORD sent to me. I have my ID but don’t PASSWORD. Please help me to get my PASSWORD.
My application ID is 10070075.
Please help me.
I need my password to login GST admission system for complete further work.
আসালামু আলাইকুম আমার 01722312624 এই নাম্বারে sms আমার কথা ছিল আমি তা পাই নাই
Applicant ID / Password Recovery
HSC/Equiv. Roll
HSC Roll
HSC/Equiv. Board
Please Select
HSC/Equiv. Passing Year
Please Select
Acknowledgement slip আবার কিভাবে ডাউনলোড করবো?
Amar slip tao hariye gase akhon ki korbo please bolben
Vai ferot paisen ki konovabe
primary application slip ta abr kivabe tulbo?
আবেদন করেছি সেই শুরুতে কিন্তু প্রাথমিক রেজাল্টের কোনো খবর আজ ও নাই😪😪
Amr apply hocche nah kno qualification to thik ache
সার্কুলারে s.s.c. ছিলো ২০১৬-১৮
কিন্তু এখন আবেদন করতে পারতেছি না।
এখন s.s.c. 2016 কেন দিতেছে না।?…..
Taka deya lagena?
not enter apply now link
Amaro same problem hoitase