16th NTRCA Written Result 2020
16th NTRCA written Result 2020 Download PDF . 16 NTRCA Result 2020 has been published on written exam result website ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/result. 16th NTRCA written result 2020 is available on our website. Today we will discuss full procedure of check exam result.
16th NTRCA Written Result 2020
NTRCA full meaning in Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority . 16th NTRCA written exam held on ** 2020. There are thousand of applicants are attend this exam. Now they are waiting for NTRCA wriiten exam result & Preliminary MCQ result. Already legal authority declared that , 16th NTRCA Exam result will be published on 12 November 2020 2020. Matter of sorrow that , most of the applicant do not know proper way to check result . So today we will discuss a easy method to find your 16th NTRCA written result 2020. No more introduction .. Let’s find result.
16 NTRCA Written Exam Result has been published. Check your result.
Check 16 NTRCA written Result 2020 Via Online
Non-Government Teachers’ Registration & Certification Authority result will published on their official website. But when result will announced on online on that moment their website fail to load for heavy traffic. But there is no way cause without entering NTRCA exam result website you can not get result. Most of the time unofficial education websites like “Admissionwar.com” are upload result on their site. They collect result from official website and they upload it on their website. So don’t be worry about 16 NTRCA Result. We will upload it on our site and you can easily download it as a PDF without any redirection. Now follow the below instruction to check result.
16 NTRCA Result 2020
- At first go to NTRCA written Result 2020 website address ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/result/
- After enter this site you can see two input field or box.
- Now fill up this box with proper information.
- Type your NTRCA written test roll number on “Roll Number” box.
- Select “16th NTRCA written Result 2020” from selection menu.
Another way,
- Go to NTRCA official weblink address www.ntrca.gov.bd
- Enter this website you can see a home page.
- Now find out “Notice” section.
- If NTRCA written exam result 2020 has been published then you can see a notice about result.
- Click this notice then you can get result.
NTRCA Written Exam Result
Every candidates has a common question about NTRCA written result. This question is ” How much candidates are selected in written test”. This question has no straight answer cause its depend on NTRCA authority. Every year they selected different amount of candidates. But if you passed on preliminary exam then you can attend on written test. Another question is “what is the pass number of NTRCA written test “. NTRCA written exam pass mark is 40 marks. But here is a question if you get 40 marks nevertheless you will not selected cause you have to get a more number. So try your best to get a prestigious amount of number.