Dhaka University D Unit Question Solution 2021-2022 (With PDF Answer)
DU D unit admission test was held on 11 June 2022. In this article, you will get DU D Unit MCQ and written questions & its answers. We have also shared the question’s solution in PDF format.
University of Dhaka DU GHA unit admission question answer 2021-2022 image & PDF. DU D unit question solution 2022 (MCQ & Written) is available on our website. This blog post contains not only ‘DU D Unit Question 2022’ but some crucial information that should be known by all the admission candidates.
DU D Unit Question & Answer has been added below.
Dhaka University DU D Unit Question & Solution 2021-2022
Dhaka University Honors first year admission exam online application ended on 10 May 2022. Though the exam was supposed to start in the month of May but DU admission was postponed due to the pandemic situation.
Overview |
Institute: Dhaka University
Exam: Honors 1st Year admission exam Unit Name: D / GHA Unit Exam Date: 11 June 2022 Admission Website: admission.eis.du.ac.bd |
DU D Unit Question Answer 2021-2022
After a long time, the DU admission exam finally started on 03 June 2022 with the GA unit exam. We have already shared the DU A, B & C unit admission questions and answers. Recently DU D unit admission exam was held on 11 June 2022 and we are the fastest website to share the Dhaka University D unit written and MCQ question and answer 2022.
Check Also: GST Admission Circular 2022 Published !
DU D Unit Mark Distribution 2021
The exam was held on 100 marks but the total marks of the admission exam are 120. These marks include HSC and SSC exam GPA.
HSC & SSC / O Level & A Level = 20
MCQ = 60
Written Exam = 40
Total Marks = 120
One number will be deducted for four wrong answers. That means per wrong answer .25 will be deducted from the achieved marks.
Interesting Facts
According to the central admission office of DU, 82,970 students applied against 1,750 seats in Ka (A) unit, 36,250 students applied against 2,378 seats of kha (B) unit.
Students of all groups were permitted to attend the DU D unit admission exam. The total time of the exam was 1 hour and 30 minutes. 45 minutes each for the MCQ and written part. Though students from all of the groups can attend the DU D unit admission exam but their departments are limited.
DU GHA Unit Question Pattern 2022
Question patterns vary from unit to unit. D unit question pattern is different from other units. Read the following discussion to get rid of all kinds of confusion.
MCQ: Bangla / Advanced English – 15, English- 15, General Knowledge – 30.
NOTE: The Students who have passed from the A-Level only they will answer the Advanced English part.
Written: Bangla / Advanced English – 15, English- 15, General Knowledge – 10.
NOTE: The Students who have passed from the A-Level only they will answer the Advanced English part.
Pass Mark
Pass mark of DU admission exam is quite hard to understand. We have describe the process in details, so it will be easy for you to understand.
- In the MCQ exam, the students have to get at least 05 marks in Bangla, 05 marks in English, 10 marks in General Knowledge and a total of 24.
- Minimum 10 marks is required to pass the written exam. MCQ and Written combined pass mark is 40.
- All of these rules are applicable for all kinds of quota holders.
DU GHA / D unit Question 2022
Dhaka University D Unit Question Solution will available at 2.00 PM after end of exam. Students will get 100% right answer for each and every section.
English Question Answer
In this section, we will added DU D Unit English question solution image as well as PDF.
1. A Subtitle of the passage is –
A. Temperature Changes
B. Deforestation
C. Human existence on the earth
D. Melting Polar Ice-caps
02. According to the passage indiscriminate felling of trees results in
A. An expansion of urban centres
B. Radical changes in our climate
C. Environmental balance
D. An increase in rainfall
03. The word ‘instrumental in the passage means:
A. Performed on instruments B. Secondary
C. Using instruments to achieve results D. Very important in causing something to happen
04. According to the passage, the temperature of the world is
A. Increasing in a disturbing way B. Increasing every year
C. Decreasing every year. D. Increasing only in the Polar Regions
05. The passage suggests that the future of this planet is in trouble, because
A. Urbanization is likely to stop
B. Deforestation will bring disasters everywhere
C. Cities will be flooded as a result of the melting of ice-caps
D. The duration of seasons is becoming longer
06. That reminds me my last visit to a Mughal palace.
A. about B. of C. for D. to
07. I must acknowledge I have notion of what it means to be pleasant to everyone.
A. much B. some C. little D. many
08. Did you say he teased you? He b e a good friend.
A. isn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. won’t
09._______ living in the water, whales breathe air.
A. Despite B. For C. Though D. Now
10. What is the antonym of the word ‘adverse?’
A. Unseemly B. Misplaced C. Favorable D. Inapt
11. A word similar to ‘dilemma’ is
A. Predicament B. Delay C. Difficulty D. Delayed message .
12. The number of COVID-19 related deaths the world.
A. have overwhelmed B. has overwhelmed C. are overwhelming D. has been overwhelmed
13. He is fond of reading fictions, playing games and
A. listening music B. listen to music C. hearing music D. listening to music
14. What is the meaning of the word ‘chilling’?
A. Cool B. Frightening C. Relaxing D. Warming
15. What is the synonym of the word ‘Hamlet?”
A. Space B. Asylum C. Prison D. Village
Bangla Question Answer
Dhaka University GHA unit Bangla question solution has been added here.
০১. নিচের কোন ধ্বনিটি বাংলায় নেই?
ক. দত্ত খ. দন্তৌষ্ঠ্য গ. দন্তমূলীয় ঘ. ওষ্ঠ্য
০২. কোনটি মিশ্ৰশব্দের দৃষ্টান্ত?
ক. অংশীদার খ. অংশুমালী গ. অংশুমান ঘ. অংশভাগী
০৩. কোনটিকে ছেদচিহ্ন বলা যায় না?
ক. কোলন-ড্যাশ খ. বিস্ময়চিহ্ন গ. হাইফেন ঘ উদ্ধৃতিচিহ্ন
০৪. মােপাসাঁ নামের কোন ইংরেজি বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক. Mopassa খ. Maupassant গ. Mapassant ঘ. Mapassan
০৫. দহ’ শব্দের অর্থ কী?
ক. জ্বালানাে খ. পােড়ানাে গ. জলাধার ঘ. জীবনভর
০৬. দুর্নীতি’ শব্দটিতে ‘ণ-ত্ব বিধানের নিয়ম প্রযুক্ত হয় না কেন?
ক. সমাসবদ্ধ শব্দ বলে খ. পূর্বে দ’ ধ্বনি থাকায়
গ. তদ্ভব শব্দ হওয়ায়। ঘ.পরে ‘ন ধ্বনি থাকায়
০৭. ‘One swallow does not make a summer’- যথার্থ বঙ্গানুবাদ হলাে:
ক. ওস্তাদের মার শেষ রাতে খ. এক মাঘে শীত যায় না
গ. কারাে পৌষ মাস কারাে সর্বনাশ ঘ. তালের পাখা প্রাণের সখা, গরমকালে হয় যে দেখা
৮. ‘তাজা মাছ’-এ ‘তাজা কোন ধরনের বিশেষণ?
ক. রূপবাচক খ. গুণবাচক গ. অবস্থাবাচক ঘ. নির্দিষ্টতাজ্ঞাপক
৯. সম্মুখে অগ্রসর হয়ে অভ্যর্থনা’-কে এককথায় বলে—
ক. প্ৰত্যুদগমন খ. আবাহন গ. সম্ভাষণ ঘ. স্বাগতম
১০. বিভক্তিহীন নামশব্দকে কী বলে?
ক. প্রাতিপদিক খ. প্রতিপাদিক
গ. প্রত্যয়ন ঘ. প্রাতিস্বিক
১১. ‘যদি এই পথে মৃত্য এসে থাকে তবে তাই হবে কোন রচনার উদ্ধৃতি?
ক, আমার পথ খ. বায়ান্নর দিনগুলাে
গ. অপরিচিতা ঘ, নেকলেস
১২. ‘সাতপাঁচ ভেবে লাভ নেই’– এখানে ব্যবহৃত বাগধারাটি কোন অর্থ প্রকাশ করছে?
ক. অগ্র-পশ্চাৎ খ. এলোমেলো গ. সস্তা কথা ঘ.নানা প্রকার
১৩, ‘কৃশ’ শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি?
ক. হালকা খ. ভারি গ. লম্বা ঘ. স্থুল
১৪. রেইনকোট গল্পের রেইনকোট কিসের প্রতীক?
ক. সহিষ্ণুতা খ. ধৈর্য ও ক্ষমা গ. সাহস ও দেশপ্রেম ঘ. মৃত্যু
১৫. মঞ্জরী’ শব্দের অর্থ হলো—
ক. ফুলের রেণু খ. মুকুল গ. বসন্ত ঘ. অনুমােদন
General Knowledge Question Answer
DU D unit cover Bangladesh affairs & International affairs both questions on general knowledge part. Here we have added DU GHA unit GK answers.
D Unit Written Question Image
Other units
Most of the other unit’s admission exam is almost over. Let’s discuss a little about other units of Dhaka University.
KA Unit
‘KA’ unit and A unit both are the same. The admission exam of the DU A unit was held on 1st October 2021. The faculties under the DU A unit are- Pharmacy, Science, Biology, Earth and Environmental Science and Engineering & Technology.
Interesting Facts
27,534 students applied against 1,250 seats of Ga (C) unit, 1,00614 candidates applied against 1,615 seats of Gha (D) unit and 25,144 students applied against 135 seats of Cha-unit.
KHA Unit
Dhaka University KHA unit is also known as the DU B unit. The honors first-year admission exam was held on 04 June 2022 . The students of Humanities attended the admission exam.
GA Unit
GA unit and the C unit are both referred to as the same unit. The admission exam was held on 03 June 2022. Students who had Business studies in the HSC were eligible to apply for DU C unit.
CHA Unit
DU E unit admission exam has already ended on 17 June 2022 and the students from all groups attended the admission exam of the DU E unit.
Dhaka University D Unit Available Seats
There is a total of 1570 seats are allotted for the students who will pass the D unit admission exam. 1570 students will be selected to join according to their group.
Group |
Number of Seats |
Science Group | 1117 |
Business Studies Group | 400 |
Humanities Group | 53 |
Total | 1570 |
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